Monday, May 4, 2020

Hello Beautiful Mother from Artsystamper Digitals

Hi! It's Beverly, aka Artsystamper.
It's time for the customer challenge at the Artsystamper Digitals Challenge Blog
The theme is 
Mum's the Word
The talented design team has created some creative inspiration projects, so be sure to check them out.
Here is what I have created...
This card is created with several digital sets, which were printed and layered. Once you create your elements, you can print them out several times to make cards for all your favorite mums.
I used one of my digi sets to create this card. 

Here is a video explaining how I created this card.

You can see the shadow created by layering.

In order to have a chance to win a digital set of your choice in TheArtsystamperShop on Etsy,
enter this challenge! 
When you enter, you can use any stamps you like, AND if you use an Artsystamper Digitals digi, you will get an extra chance in the draw!
the top three will win a digital image chosen by me!
Join the Artsystamper Art Facebook group, and you will find yourself with free images from time to time, as well as videos and a place to add your projects.
Why not join the creative fun?

Enjoy your creative digital journey,


  1. She is SO beautiful and I really love her with the blue background! AWESOME design my friend!

  2. So the stiped background just to display the lady or is that part of the card??????

  3. Love the striped background just to display the lady or is it part of the card????


I would love to hear from you! Please leave a comment.
Bev aka Artsystamper